Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Now, we know where we're going, baby We can lay back and enjoy the ride

Do you remember The Seahorses? Of course you do right......or is it only my unusual childhood that allows me to have such memories.  From the minute I could walk my brother shoved me into a parka and pinned badges of The Bealtes, The Who, and The Stone Roses all over me.  Whilst my friends would listen to nursery rhymes, I would be utterly obsessed with Oasis, 'So Sally Can Wait' ( Don't Look Back In Anger) being my absolute favorite! I loved every minute of it, as I still do, the only down fall was that I was never old enough to go and enjoy the music I loved!


BUT SERIOUSLY, do you remember The Seahorses, I posted a cheeky link as a reminder for you, if you don't I am afraid you have had a deprived childhood.  Well my lovelies, Chris Helme is coming to Corby!  For anyone who doesn't know, The Seahorses were started by a little fellow called John Squire ( please tell me you at least know who this man is ) after his departure from the Stone Roses, and Chris Helme was to be his front man.

So what are you doing on the 26th April, I hope for your sake its getting yourselves to 'The Zombie Hut, Corby' and taking in the musical talent that is Chris Helme.  Tickets went on sale today, and I literally bought mine straight away, I am NOT missing out on this.


Oh and if you know any bands who would be interested in supporting, email meganmcastocker@gmail.com, I shall pass on the word.


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